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File List | 1996-08-29 | 6.5 KB | 88 lines |
- BTRCLASS.ZIP Visual Basic 4.0 Classes for Btrieve is a
- complete set of pre-built classes written in
- Visual Basic that encapsulates the Btrieve
- API. Each Btrieve file is treated as a Visual
- Basic object allowing the developer to access
- Btrieve files via the famili
- FIRSTBAS.ZIP FirstBasic compiler 1.00 by PowerBASIC. A
- true machine code Basic compiler. Stop using
- the QBasic interpreter and step up to the
- speed of compiled code. Leave behind 64k
- string limitations and feel the "Power" of
- built-in Array Sorting & Searching, file and
- record Locking, and more accurate calculation
- with 80-bit floating point and BCD variables
- for financial calculations. See how we put
- the "Power" in Basic. $25 SHAREWARE.
- GAMEKEYS.ZIP Game Keys v1.01 for PowerBASIC 3.0 or later.
- Freeware .OBJ for PowerBASIC programmers
- which allows them to read the state of keys
- on the keyboard without using the keyboard
- buffer. Perfect for game programmers. By Dave
- Navarro, Jr.
- MODALDLL.ZIP Complete PB/DLL source code to a Modal Dialog
- which asks for a complete user name and
- returns it to the calling application. Modal
- Dialogs placed into a DLL are much faster tha
- equivelant forms in Visual Basic. Requires th
- PowerBASIC DLL Compiler f
- MYTTIPS.ZIP This implementation of ToolTips are made only
- with standard VB resource and with few API
- calls. No VBX's or OCX's. Also MYTTIPS use
- only one timer control for all windows with
- tooltips.
- N-B-V203.ZIP Nutz 'n Boltz v2.03 for PowerBASIC. _
- REQUIRES 386 or higher and PB v3.2+ _ This
- collection of libraries covers string
- handling, text mode, SCREEN 12, and much,
- much more. There is pop-up help and demo code
- for all routines and many, many text files
- with tips, tricks & expanded discussion on
- the routines. DASoft - Vertical Software
- Solutions
- BASIC / WINDOWS. (PCLVBW11.ZIP) July 1996,
- Version 1.1, <ASP>. Async comm library
- supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+
- ports concurrently, many dumb multiport
- boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS
- flow control, any UART address using IRQ2
- thru IRQ15. Requires Microsoft Visual BASIC /
- Win. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $75.
- PITFALL.ZIP QB: A simple little animation of a character
- walking
- PJP32.ZIP Contains Self-Extracting Archive. For WIN 95.
- Scan your VB3 & VB4 projects, for
- Subs/Functions/Classes that are new, or have
- changed since the last print. Print or select
- others. Code viewer & Color printing. Fonts
- can be set individually for hdr/ftr
- QPAINT.ZIP QB: A very simple paint program
- SETWATCH.ZIP Contains Self-extracting LZH. WATCH is a
- program that monitors the actions of other
- programs - what files they are reading,
- writing, anything they happening to be doing
- on your system, WATCH records the details on
- disk, for you to view later. WATCH i
- SIMULATE.ZIP Demo of a VB 4 application that uses Label
- controls to simulate Text controls.
- VB-ELIZA.ZIP Visual Basic 4.0 source code to the classic A
- program that mimics a psychotherapist, ELIZA.
- Requires either the Windows 3.1 or Windows 95
- version of Visual Basic 4.0. Feel free to
- copy, distribute, or use these files!
- VB4DDE.ZIP * FREEWARE* Sample code that demonstrate how
- to communicate between two Visual Basic 4.0
- applications using DDE links. Code is
- provided with compiled examples and general
- readme documentation.
- VBNCK200.ZIP VBNameChk 2.0 is a utility for VB developers
- which lets you define a prefix naming conven-
- tion for for variables, procedures, forms,
- controls, etc and then run it against your VB
- source modules to find violations. Flexible
- options for defining the convention, fast
- scanning. Results reported by module, can be
- viewed or printed. Great for individual or
- team projects. Supports VB3 & VB4. Shareware.